Wednesday 26 September 2012

Veterans and a priceless gift

As a doctor I am on occasion honoured to share the last years of veteran soldiers, airmen and seamen. 
I have met amazing people in my career, 
Veterans of WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Rhodesian and South African Border Wars.

I have been privileged to have met Allied Veterans of El Alamein and Tobruk, Cassino and Crete, a  German Infantry survivor of Stalingrad (minus part of one limb) , an engineer that developed the tail  assembly for the Messerschmidt Me 109E, a Mustang P51 squadron leader, a Short Sunderland tail gunner, a forward airfield observer in the Pacific War, a sailor of HMS Leander and Achilles and a Lancaster Bomber pilot and A Skyhawk Squadron leader, many Infantry and Artillerymen that can all parade through my mind.

Tonight I was invited by the family of the late John Penman, Lancaster Pilot, who I knew for the last 12 years, to pick from his collection of over 1500 military books what I would like. His family had reserved some for their own use, and had given the War Museum at Waiuro, NZ first choice of the collection.
They chose over 400 books to preserve.

Generic Lancaster Crew Member (Not John Penman)

The collection spans the whole of military history, starting with the Vikings through to the Modern Soviet Army of the Cold War, Miniature Painting and Modelling and Wargaming.Many are out of print collectors items.My Library is suddenly bursting at the seams.

I will feature some of the books in posts to come.
 Thank you to Jack and Fen for your incredible generosity

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Fancy Paint Jobs: Tiger Meet at Cambrai

Some nice photos and paint jobs
Tiger Meet Cambrai

Photos by Kevin Martin and French Air Force

Thursday 20 September 2012

RNZAF 75th Ohakea Jets

RNZAF 75th Anniversary: Historic Jets and RAAF F18

(click on images to enlarge)

RNZAF De Havilland Vampire

Jet Provost

Aermacchi MB339

A4 Skyhawk

RAAF F18 Hornet Static and Fly-past display

Taxi and Take-off

Fly-past and after-burner climb

Wednesday 19 September 2012

The SAAF Ensign and roundels: Evolution

Evolution of the SAAF Ensign (Flag) and Aircraft Roundels through the years

Monday 17 September 2012

SAAF Black and White Historical Photo's

From my collection of South African Air Force Black and White Images. 

My late cousin, Nick Barkhuizen was a photographer with the SAAF. 

He flew in Canberras during the Border War. I think I got these from him.

 I'm not sure if these are his work, or reprints of photographs taken by somebody else. 
Any help in attributing them correctly will be appreciated. 
I also have some large format colour photos, possibly taken by Herman Potgieter, 
which I'll post when I find a scanner big enough.

(Click on the images for a larger view)

B.E Canberra taking off

One that came a cropper

Canberra in Air superiority grey (?)

 Dassault Mirage F1 AZ

Dassault Mirage III EZ 

SA Navy Westland Wasp with Divers about to take the plunge

Aermacchi MB-326M Impala Mk. 1.(Built by Atlas)

Bosbok over Hartebeespoortdam (Looks like Cosmos ? I'm guessing by the Kariba weed in the picture)

Piaggio P166  Albatros